Prince - Baltimore (feat. Eryn Allen Kane) | New song for the Riots Benefit


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Yesterday, I posted about the benefit His Royal Badness was hosting in Baltimore in tribute of the injustice suffered by the community over there, an mentioned the impending release of a new tune to mark the occasion. Here's the song.

I have to say, even this is Prince on auto-pilot as he does these days (apparently, the track was written, performed and recorded in a burst of inspiration when he was alone in Paisley Park's Studio A, and everything was transferred to Studio B the next day and mixed down), this track is pretty special. He manages to capture the weight of the situation whilst still keeping it nice and breezy. Really nice, uplifting track.

Of course, my heart goes out to the losses people have suffered. The Struggle Continues.


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Don't give in: an angry population is hard to govern; a depressed population is easy