The Money Song - Stand Up & Be Recognised! (Pt. 2) - Out NOW! - FREE DOWNLOAD!


Today is apparently the last day that music in the UK will be released on a Monday. Additionally, the people of Greece voted yesterday against further IMF imposed austerity by a margin of 61% against.

To mark both these occasions - though obviously Greece is a much more pertinent event - I'm announcing the release of a fresh jam - part 2 of the Stand Up & Be Recognised! EP, here's "The Money Song"![soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]


Written after the banks broke in 2008, it's an issue I feel strongly about and an attitude that angers me even more in today's political climate.

You can grab a FREE COPY from Bandcamp - either as Pt. 2 on its own, or as a bonus track if you buy Pts. 1 & 2.Share if you dig it! It's a #SocialistParty, y'all!


"Stand Up & Be Recognised!" played on Amazing Radio | 6th July 2015


Wilsoni's BBC Playlister Playlist - 30/06/2015